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In 2015, &MAES was involved in the development of the conference ‘National Natural Capital.’

Natural Capital is the foundation of a sustainable economy. Just think of the raw materials that are needed in order to produce everyday objects. Yet, natural capital is not always taken into account when it comes to making important decisions. This is why the Netherlands uses various trajectories in motion to establish a better connection between the economy and nature. As an addition to these trajectories, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure and Environment and the Ministry of Home Affairs organized the conference ‘National Natural Capital’ in 2015. Besides of showing best practices in the field of Natural Capital, the goal of the conference was to discuss current issues and set up an agenda for the future. Participants included companies, financial institutions, governments, civil society organizations and research institutions.

Content development , organizing and moderating.

&MAES assisted the Ministries with advise on the content of the program, the practical organization and moderated the sessions at the event.